Monday, October 6, 2008

A long time coming

It seems I've been waiting so long to have 2 walking toddlers, even knowing how much more difficult it would be to chase after them both. Turns out it's not one of those things where the anticipation is greater than the actuality. It's even better!
Chase walking to the parkSummer and Lexi

ChaseSummer slidingSummer swingingChase climbingLexi and ChaseChase and LexiSkye pushing Chase on the swingChase swinging
Skye and Summer playing catch
Chase walkingSummer in the back yardChase


Joanna said...

It looks pretty official - two walkers!! I love the way you dress summer, she's a cutie. Go Chase!

jennbecc said...

Yep! Two walkers! You're lucky to have your older girls to help herd. *L*

Jill said...

Horray for Chase!!! How awesome to see him taking those steps!! I'm so happy for you and he!