Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I love ....

Skye and Chase
I love my "Kye"

Skye kissing Chase
And she loves me!

Summer eating an apple Summer and her babies
I love "bapples" and "beebee dawlls"

I love my "Sissy" ... and I love my "Chay Chay"

Chase playing in the corner Summer playing in the corner
I don't love time out! But it's not so bad with a buddy!
*By the way, the dolls are just dolls they drug into the corner and were playing with and immitating, they aren't meant to entertain them while they are in time out.

1 comment:

jennbecc said...

What a sweet post and those dolls are funny. They look like they are in time out's too! Love the new header picture!