Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bean bag rides

One of the great things about having older children when you have toddlers, is they still act and think like children! I think as adults, sometimes it's hard for us to get down to our toddlers level and think of things they might consider fun. For example; Lexi and Skye bought some bean bag video chairs to watch tv and play video games in. They also thought they would make a good amusement ride for Summer and Chase. So they loaded them on and told them to hold on and started zooming them around the living room! They giggled and squeeled and wouldn't let the girls stop pulling them! Now, Summer and Chase go and sit on them and call their sisters to come and give them a ride! (They all say thank you to Grandma and Grandpa E. because they used the birthday money you sent Lexi and Skye to buy the bean bags!)


Joanna said...

Oh man, can I borrow Skye & Lexi? My two would love that but I can feel myself getting tired just thinking of dragging them around the room. How fun for Chase & Summer to have older sisters like that!

Josephine said...

Your girls are so sweet!!

Brooke said...

What fun! What great fun thing to do with all the kids. Lexi and Skye seem like such nice loving girls.

Jill said...

THose look like fun chairs! I didn't know bean bags have changed. :) I'll have to come back and check your videos - we are watching a movie and DH won't like it if I am too distracted. lol